There's no time for incremental change; disruption is now crucial. We invest in solutions that spark systemic transformations and behavioral shifts.

Our impact philosphy is 'disruptive impact'. We measure the impact of solutions we evaluate through an LCA where we are ideally looking for an improvement of minimum 70% vs mainstream solutions.

We invest in solutions which can verifiably claim to do one or more of the following:

Promote re-use and circular economy

Re-use and a circular economy plays a pivotal role in what should be our number one priority in the coming years, reducing the use of resources and the amount of waste generated. Implementing a circular economy approach can help to reduce the climate footprint of various industries. Some examples include:

Construction and building: Circular economy principles can be used to reduce its environmental impact. For example, using recycled materials in construction, designing buildings for disassembly and re-use, and repurposing building materials at the end of a building's life can all help to reduce emissions.

Textile industry: A circular economy approach can be used in this industry by designing clothes for durability, using sustainable materials and recycling textiles at the end of their life.

Food and Agriculture: A circular economy approach can help to reduce these emissions by reducing food waste, improving soil health, and using sustainable farming practices.

Automotive industry: Implementing a circular economy approach can help to reduce these emissions by designing cars for disassembly and re-use, using sustainable materials, and designing cars that can run on clean energy.

Packaging and Plastics: A circular economy approach can help to reduce these emissions by designing packaging for re-use and recycling, using sustainable materials, and reducing the use of single-use packaging.

Promote footprint reduction of biggest industries

Focusing on building technology that reduces the emissions of the most polluting industries is important for a number of reasons:

1. High impact: The most polluting industries are responsible for a large proportion of greenhouse gas emissions, so reducing their emissions can have a significant impact on slowing climate change.

2. Cost-effective: Developing technology that reduces the emissions of these industries can be more cost-effective than trying to reduce emissions across all sectors of the economy.

3. Feasible: Many of the most polluting industries, such as power generation and cement production, have a small number of large emitters, making it easier to target and measure the success of emission reduction efforts.

4. Leverage: The most polluting industries often have the resources and expertise needed to invest in and implement new technologies, making them well-positioned to be leaders in reducing emissions.

5. Compliance: Many countries have set targets for reducing emissions and certain industries are regulated more strictly than others. Focusing on those industries will help countries and companies to comply with their international, national and local regulations.

Examples of industries we target, are: 

Power generation: The burning of fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, and oil to generate electricity is one of the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions.

Transportation: The burning of fossil fuels by cars, trucks, ships, and airplanes is also a major source of emissions.

Industry: The production of cement, steel, and other industrial materials also releases large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

Agriculture: Livestock production and the use of synthetic fertilizers in agriculture are also significant sources of greenhouse gas emissions.

Oil and Gas: Exploration, production, transportation and refining of oil and gas are also big emitters of greenhouse gases.

Buildings: Heating and cooling of buildings, as well as the production of electricity for lighting, appliances, and other uses in buildings also releases large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

Promote lifestyle and behavior change

Consumerism and extreme modern comforts and globalization, particularly in the West, is arguably a major contributor to the situation we are in today. And as consumers we have the power to make immediate changes to the way the world works. Technology can play a significant role in promoting behavior change to reduce global carbon emissions in several ways:

Data and monitoring: Tech can be used to monitor and measure an individual's energy use, water consumption, and transportation choices, providing them with real-time data and feedback on their environmental impact. This can help individuals to identify areas where they can make changes to reduce their emissions.

Gamification: Tech can be used to make sustainability-related actions more engaging and motivating by turning them into games or challenges. This can encourage individuals to take actions that they may not have otherwise considered.

Social platforms: Tech can be used to connect individuals with similar interests and goals, creating a sense of community and encouraging collective action. Social platforms can also be used to share tips, advice, and inspiration, helping individuals to learn from one another.

Virtual and augmented reality:
VR and AR Virtual and augmented reality can be used to create immersive experiences that educate individuals about the impacts of climate change and the actions they can take to reduce their emissions.

Smart home and building technology: Smart home and building technology can be used to automate energy-efficient behaviors, such as turning off lights and appliances when they are not needed.

Personalized recommendations: Tech can be used to make personalized recommendations to individuals based on their behavior patterns, preferences, and environmental impact.

What is our impact philosophy?

Our impact philosphy is 'disruptive impact'. We measure the impact of solutions we evaluate through an LCA where we are ideally looking for an improvement of minimum 70% vs mainstream solutions.

What we're looking for

We prioritize four crucial areas when seeking promising startups to support and nurture towards success:

Environmental impact

Environmental impact has to be either a direct or indirect consequence of comm-ercializing the company.

Infinite scalability

We're less concerned with competition
and more concerned with the scalability and financial viability of the solution.

Passion & commitment

The team should demonstrate both robust execution capabilities & deep commitment to solving challenges with their innovation.

Societal timing

The solution should be strategically
ahead of both societal trends and
industry-specific developments.

2022 established

4 investments made

50 investment aim 2023/24

1st ticket specialist

Got a solution that demonstrates tangible positive impact?

A passive investor, Pinecone Invest specializes in funding early-stage
impact companies.

Need help building or scaling
your impact solution?

Our ventures studio, Pinecone Ventures, is renowned for rapidly building and scaling impactful businesses. The studio strategically invests in impact startups where PV's expertise can significantly contribute to their success.

Have questions?

Feel free to reach out!